Monday, February 19, 2007

This title has already been uploaded into your brain, so don't bother reading it.

In the future, telepathy is possible, so long as you are fluent in binary. There no longer exist any barriers to what one person intends to say to how another person interprets it. Every thought you intend to communicate is instantly downloaded, telecasted, and uploaded by your audience, who have the option of viewing your thoughts in high definition 3D and digital surround sound. Meetings convene, discuss, and adjourn before the commercial break of each person's favorite TV show is over. As ambiguity is eliminated it takes with it certain literary forms, like written poetry, and a large number of jokes and the entirety of puns. Not to mention the elimination of "foreign" languages; everyone's thoughts will be converted to unicode.

All of your thoughts are backed up on hard drives, your dreams are digitized, compressed and archived, your ambitions are compiled into lines of code dictating how you should live your life. You no longer read novels or textbooks or love letters, the underlying thoughts behind each are uploaded in moments into your consciousness, where you spend at most a millisecond pondering each of them. You don't talk to anyone, and nobody talks to you, at least not with their mouths, those archaic old things. You have too little time to move as slowly as people used to, but lucky for you, all this technology is saving you time. At least that's what the ads assure.

A convenient pastel light located on your forehead indicates when you are in a bad mood, or feeling tired, confused, happy, depressed, or any of the other 50 options available. This has thankfully lifted the burden from anyone to have expression on their faces. After all, if you can see the pale green light above my brow why would you need to see a smile?

Of course there will be a few problems for the brainwave generation. Everyone knows when you're daydreaming in church, and staring after attractive members of the opposite sex is considered a thought-crime. Your best friend knows that you really just forgot their birthday rather than "accidentally left their present at home." You have lost your ability to lie entirely, which some view as a great step forward to humanity. Of course, up until it is gotten away with no one realizes how often it is used. But it does allow you to never have to "swear" to do anything again; your real intentions are as visible as a read-out on a monitor.

Everyone in the brainwave generation will feel so lucky to possess this wonderful technology, and be amazed at how more primitive and ancient cultures ever survived without it. Perhaps a select few will resist the full integration made possible by brain-casting, but they will be the outliers and anomalies, regarded as weirdos and crackpots. Human thought will become an intricate amalgam of everyone's thoughts, with the minor drawback of destroying individual thought. But it's all for the best. Right?

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