Monday, February 26, 2007

Star Trek

Having never seen a star trek episode until the other day, I found it very interesting. The idea of a machine, M-5, having the ability to do all that a human could. M-5 detected things before the human brain had even processed them. Within the episode it also showed some of what Ihde is talking about in the book. Ihde discusses the idea of technological totalization and atmospheric fear. The machine took over all aspects of the ship, doing things without permission from humans. M-5 in a sense fought back and was in control over the humans. They tried to turn off the machine but where unable. To think of a future when technology takes over mankind is a bit scary to think of. In Star Trek it touched on the idea that the Captain was losing his job. Many may worry about the idea of losing jobs due to technology, but even a bigger fear comes when we think about technology taking over. There is a constant fear of nuclear annihilation. We continually make technology to beat the prior development and with that we are creating something that could destroy us or take over control.

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