Monday, February 26, 2007

Atmospheric Fear of Technology in Star Trek

In our reading, Ihde explains the idea of technology as a cocoon where all aspects of our life are mediated by technology (Eve and her spaceship). In the Star Trek episode "The Ultimate Computer", we see the ultimate fantasy in which humans have taken it to the extreme. In class we discussed that we have a desire to become technology however we are afraid what this would do to humans. We called this concern the "Atmospheric" fear of technology.

"In the future...." are often the most spoken words in science fiction. The reason being of course that there is a broad spectrum of possibilities in the future. This plot has been used a lot in many movies and books today. Apparently the idea of technology "taking over" our lives scares most people. The intentions of using such technology are always good and everything goes well at first. However in almost every plot the computer loses its mind (in a human sense). The computer's logic no longer aligns with our human logic. Eventually of course the humans are able to shut off the computer.

In the Star Trek Episode, a super computer is downloaded into the ship's systems where it controls almost all aspects of the ship's functions. Kirk is of course naturally upset that a computer is taking over his job as captain. One quote that really caught my attention was when Kirk said: "There are certain things men must do to remain men" and that the computer was taking that away. I feel that Kirk (along with most humans) define themselves through their work (what they do). However technology is limiting that and even in some cases, taking it away. As a result we have split feelings when it comes to technology. We enjoy some of the freedoms it provides (when are relationship with the world is transformed) yet we are hesitant because of the way we are defined with the technology.

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