Saturday, February 17, 2007

Blog 6- brain scanning story

This article on brain scanning was very interesting
here's my story:

Imagine it's the year 2100 and by now hundred of advances have been made in neuroscience technology. the need for jails on the mainland has virtually been eliminated. A huge world jail/community has now been created on the island of Hawaii. It is equipped with state of the art security technology that allows people to go in but never leave. On the bright side these people get to live on hawaii for the rest of their lives.
Let me give you some background as to how this came about. Around the year 2010 a new technology began to be developed that could read people's minds and thoughts. The governments of the world first sought out this technology to gaining intelligence from high profile terrorist and criminals and others that refused to speak. This proved to be quite an undertaking but was working in preventing huge terrorist attacks and mass genocides from occuring. High profile terrorist and criminals were caught from the use of this technology leading to the eventual eradication of all terrorist cells throughout the world.
Later on with more applications of this technology laws were passed to include these scanners in all public places. You could no longer enter any public place without going through these things and even ordinary citizens began to put them in their homes as part of their home security systems. If when you went through these brain scanners your thoughts were seen to be malicious and criminal a signal would be sent to the local world security office. at first, you would be sent to the local jail but quickly these filled up and soon all the countries of the world were having problems of where to put thes malicious-thinking individuals. After thinking about it a lot, the United Sates stilling being a major world power, decided the perfect site would hawaii for a world jail/ community. It would be equipped with the highest form of security technology available. and all these malicious thinking individuals would be sent there away from their country.
This lead to no one any longer needing jails and turned most countries into a form of the long imagined utopia. but those malicious-individuals numbering quite a few million on that island started developing ways to escape. You see there was no brain scanner on this island and this concentration of like minded individuals was to bring about the end of the world as we know it.
Little did the good-willed humans know that this technology was about to turn on them more than they could ever imagine...
The End.

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