Sunday, April 30, 2006


The first blog I would like to discuss was the movie we watched, "Koyanisquatsi". I found this movie to be wierd and hard to understand. After watching it for the second time, I relized that earth is teaming with life and change. The earth is not hear for us, we are here because of the earth. Respect is a big life lesson that is learned through the years, and this movie shows us the lack of respect we have for earth. Technology might seem to further out lives, but it is in direct combat with mother nature. The prestein images overshadowed by mans technology was very appartent in this movie. The scene that I think will always stick out in my head is when we saw a beautiful beach with people on it and as the picture continue to grow, we see a power plant in the back round. This movie really hit home and showed me a new found respect for mother nature.
My second blog was on Frankenstien. I am unable to find it in the blog now, but I believed that Franlenstien was not a cyborg, that he was human. I still believe very strongly that a cyborg is something of science fiction and presently is not of this earth yet. I cyborg is a machine that controls a human. Human's still have complete control over there actions, and if they try to blame technology they should take a harder look at themselves. Although technology has many evils, it is still controled by human's, not v.s. Although my view on cyborgs has not chagned I do believe someday it is posible. Where human and machine will come together and there will not be a distinct difference between the two. I just hope that I am dead before this comes about. During my life time I wont to be in control of how I think and act.

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