Tuesday, May 02, 2006


The first thing I would like to discuss in this blog is the recently discussed topic of the role of technology in education. Most people in the class took the view point that we are letting technology in the classroom get out of hand. I believe that it is important for our youth today to get experience with these technologies. I also believe that they need to get experience with older technologies such as books and writings. But we must not forget that these kids are not going to be exposed to the same things that my generation was, when growing up. Lets face it, when the youth of today are our age, technology is going to be a lot different. They need to start now in order to keep up with these future technologies. They are also going to be the ones who develope the technology of the future. We need to give them exposure to as much technology now, in order to keep our technological advance in order.

The second topic I would like to discuss in this blog is cyborgs. Most people in the class think of cyborgs as unnatural and something to be afraid of. I do not think this way. I beleive that cyborgs are the next step in human evolution. People say this cannot be true because it is not natural. Well to this I say that it is not natural to save your grandparent from cancer or a heart attack. We have evolved to the point to were that our brain is advanced enough to contemplate self-improvement. This very fact, to me, says that the next step in our advancement as a species is into cybernetics.

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