Monday, April 24, 2006



Cyborgs: I believe even if someone is given an artificial arm, leg, or any other body part then that does not make them a cyborg. They still have a human heart and working brain and feelings. An artificial arm does not change the way one feels about certain things or how they react to different situations. I still think that Frankenstein is a cyborg in that he is human and not human. Frankenstein has no family or kinship which I believe makes him a cyborg. Even if a humans had an artificial limb, they would still have a family and other outside relationships. Humans also can engage in conversation, feel adn express love, and share emotions with the use of an artificial limb, ultimately making them not a cyborg.


My reaction to my first blog of the semester: The blog Foreground of Technology is similar to my research paper: leisure and technology. Technology is delivered by how we experience it. Almost all of leisure and free time is mainly spent consuming. This is not what the promise of technology has held out for us. I believe that technology takes away the real tradition and context of certain things. Especially cooking with one’s kids, cleaning, and playing. Technology can replace all three of these activities, ultimately making us lose the real meaning of work and tradition.

The more work and effort we put into something the greater the results and the better we feel. Technology can make us happy for a short time, but not for ever. We must begin to understand the real meanings of devices so that family tradition is not reduced solely to machinery.

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