Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Final Exam

1) I read two posts of mine and came up with relatively the same answers; I still agree with what I said. The first had something to do with the "progress" of technology and how far we've really come. I think it's odd that after all the progress we've made with technology, we can't seem to make it answer what seems to us to be a logical, simple question such as chewing gum and walking at the same time, as Dreyfus uses for an example. This still boggles my mind; we should be so advanced in our technology and our lives, but we are still grappling with the same issues as before.

2) The second blog had more to do with cyborgs and is relevant to my final paper. We have become so reliant on mdern technology and we rely so heavily on computers, cell phones, television, and other forms of technology and machines that we are dependent on them for our survival, thus making it almost an impossibility to live without these things. In this sense, we are cyborgs; half human, half machine. I agree with this whole-heartedly. I type all papers on a computer, I research those same papers on a computer, I play games, chat with friends, make plans, all with the computer or the cell phone. Without them, I would not even know where to begin ...

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