Thursday, February 02, 2006

Zen and motorcycles

Borgmann is actually starting to be a bit maddening! It seems that he is unable to adapt to the world in any way, shape, or form. It seems that all he does is moan and groan about the evils of technology. I agree with Borgmann on many of his ideas and writings; however, I disagree with him on the topic of being at peace with technology. I definitely feel that it is possible and rewarding to have a relationship with technology. For example, a car enthusiast may enjoy working on his or her car in the driveway with a family member or friend. This person is dealing with technology, but is also experiencing the outdoors and bonding with others. I enjoy hiking in nature and being out in pristine forests; however, I simply don't agree that a person can't find peace and happiness within a world of technology. Borgmann makes many good points, but he needs to get out of the stone age and accept life as it is now.

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