Sunday, February 19, 2006

Where would I be without the internet?

I have to admit that I owuld be lost without the internet. I dread going downstairs in the library to the cold dreariness of the those rows and rows of books with the same name as the one next to them. I would much rather log in upstairs and where the sun is shining and look at the world of new (and possibly irrelevant) information that this world-wide-web has to give to me (all the while checking to see what news there is for me in my emails or who has invited me to a party or has a birthday on facebook). This internet talk we've been having in class has been making me feel guilty. Am I a bad person for liking the internet as much as I do, as opposed to real, hard back and paper books that I can actually pick up and physically turn the pages with? I'd like to think not. Let me be who I am and what I want to be! Leave me alone! I may not be a better person for it, but at least I am who I am. What else could anyone want?

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