Thursday, February 02, 2006

Reconciling Nostalgia and Technology

Robert Pirsig believes that by maintaing and caring for technologcial devices, we can create a peace of mind within the technological world. Borgmann does not necessarily agree that it is possible to become one with technology as we can not become further involved with a world that we are unfamiliar with for the most part. How can we become masters over the devices that have hidden machinery for which we no nothing about. Yes, it is important to consider reforming the world of technology as Pirsig wants to pursue; however, Borgmann sees difficulty in bringing back nostalgia so that it can work side by side with technology. Technology has overwhelmed our lives so that it almost does everything for us, so much so that nostalgia is lost. Pirsig wants people to become more engaged in technological devices yet it is these devices that make our lives so disengaged. Devices are not only unknown to us as far as how they work, but they also have distanced us in our web of relations. We are no longer doing things for each other, but rather relying on machines. With technology we have a world of increasing leisure, however, with out it the requirements upon oursevles increase, which no one is used to anymore. Sure everyone wants the best of both worlds: harmony within a world that is both technological and true to the focal aspect of our lives, but will this ever be possible?

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