Thursday, February 16, 2006

The internet, is it so bad?

There is vast amount of information one can access on the internet. In terms of the information we gather on the internet, we do not know how much of it is valid and how much of is valuable. I really enjoyed reading the first chapter of Dreyfus but I think he was coming off too strong with the examples he was providing.

I think he is absolutely right that we need to go to libraries and gather information which I also prefer to do because whenever I research something in the library I feel like I accomplish more than just going to a website and filtering unuseful information. Im participating in the research by going to a library and become an active researcher by looking through the stacks of books or walking around and browsing through the stacks of books.

Today's technology is growing incredibly at a fast rate. Dreyfus said that computers will never become advanced researcher like humans. Well, computers are controlled by humans and if we give them brains they will still base their research based on a human mind and what the humans tell them. Dreyfus thinks we are looking for a technology(humans like computers) where the computer learns from the information we gather and is more helpful next time we get on the internet. I do feel this is accomplished in many cases but not just accessible to the general public. As part of the society Dreyfus might not be aware of it. Lets say, you purchased a book from next time you sign into Amazon, it will prefer you new books based on your previous purchases.

So I think Dreyfus is not clear yet that internet can not be examined as a whole like a library rather it has different sections which is helpful to those who'd like to get the information they need quickly in a brief time. Extensive research is needed for bigger assignments or projects.
I think we need to make this distinction before proceeding further with Dreyfus' ideas. I do not think libraries will lose its originality unless we know how to make the distinction between a library and an online research. Both can be useful but we must know where to look for in both cases.

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