Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Narrow Minds?

Ok so Dreyfus is saying that we have to really get involved in the issues that we are taking on and stick with them. He says that if we go through a bunch of different issues at a time then we really have no idea what is going on with any of them. So my question is: Does anyone think that this type of advice to the general public would cause people to be completely unknowlegeable about a wide range of issues because they are so horned in on the issue that they want to talk about. And this could cause a problem because there won't be nearly as many people to debate an issue with if each person is only focused on one issue and they haven't even heard of other issues. I think sometimes it is good to talk with people about an issue that don't really have a great idea of what the issue is about but they may have paged through it once because they bring a fresh light on the topic and could even reverse the experts thinking a little bit. I don't know; what do all of you guys think??

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