Thursday, February 09, 2006

Overall reaction to Borgman,

I really do think Borgman makes a lot of interesting remarks in his book titled the Technology and the character of Contemporary Life. His perspective is to move forward with technology but his doubts aim to what extend we should move forward and what do we need to do in order to avoid too much technology. Whether we accept it or not technology has done so much damage on us and we tend not to be as social individuals as we used in the past. Why? Because we have our computers and the internet who are becoming the very two good friends of ours. This is what Borgman thinks is wrong and should not be allowed within the society. This simple example tells us how the direction of a simple human being and its nature is diverted from its orginal meaning to a thing no different than a machine we create in factories. This might be a harsh statement but with the very progressive technology some populations are made to feel as such China, India and Japan among many other nations can be good examples of the few. Borgman's text warns us so we may at least reduce the amount of technology that affects and interferes with our lives. So we can spend the very own lives of ours in a dialogue and strong relationships with friends and more importantly with our families.

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