Thursday, October 06, 2011

Facebook...what is it about?

The other day in class, Dr. Langguth talked about his dependence on facebook. He talked about how he could not get away from facebook and how it was addicting. Then he asked who didnt have a facebook. I was one of two people that didnt raise their hands. I know that facebook has all kinds of features and social aspects to it. I was just wondering, what does everyone personally use it for? Do you use it to keep in touch with friends? Im just interested in the different ways people use Facebook.


patty-wack said...

Well I personally have a greater use for face book then my average peer. First off I use it for school quite often to communicate with classmates on projects and class work. I would assume this is pretty common, but what sets me apart is that I use Facebook to talk to people I otherwise would not be able to. Over the past two summers I worked at a Christian family camp. While working I met many fantastic people and families. I would not be able to communicate with over 50 people actively if it were not for Facebook. This is my greatest use for Facebook. It truly is a vital tool for me to communicate. It is for this reason that Facebook is very important to me. This is how I use Facebook outside as a social networking sight to waste time, which I also do.

acmillay1985 said...

Facebook is what you make it... Personally, I use it to stay in touch with family and friends who either moved away or that I don't see on a regular basis...

Maria said...

I personally use facebook to keep in touch with my family back in Spain and the friends I have made who live all over Kentucky. It is a great way to keep in touch, especially now that there is video chat available as well. Plus, it is free. A distant telephone call could be very expensive.