Friday, October 21, 2011

Facebook for me/ Facebook vs. reading

In watching the debate over social networking, specifically Facebook this was my response. I agree and disagree with both men. I find that Facebook has given birth to many friends and has killed just as many. For example if it were not for Facebook then I would not be able to keep in touch as well with some long distance friends. Some would argue I could just call or text but this does not always work. It can be to hard to find times for people to carry on a long conversation over the phone and texing just does not cut it. Facebook gives me the chance for us to follow up on our own time. The nice thing about Facebook for me is at times I can just check in on them to see how they are doing without even talking to them which email cant do. On the down side Facebook has killed many friendships for me too. Some of my past friends have no interest in "hanging out" because whats the point when we can just catch up on Facebook.

Facebook is a win loose and i think there is no way around that. It is and will always be a constant struggle between give and take. To gain you must give. This in and of it self is not bad, its part of human nature. The problem is that there is not filter, no limit to the amount. I do feel as though Facebook is going out of control and needs to be filtered. This is what I have attempted to do this week. I made it a personal goal to balance my time on Facebook. For every hour I was on Facebook I spent an hour reading. What was funny about this is that I found that as I read more further strengthened my already strong reading habits, which made me want to read even more. As I set out to attain a balance in reading and Facebook I found that I read way more than I spent on Facebook. So i shall take it a step further this week. Every hour that i spend in front of a screen I shall attempt to read for an hour. Also this week I will actually record hours spent doing each. I will not be counting answering text because that will be hard to record seconds at a time.

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