Thursday, February 07, 2008

Perfection: Good Idea or not?

In the film Robot Stories the goal of technology was the perfection of downloading the consciousness of you. There are many reasons why this would not be a good idea, but in hindsight it sounds wonderful. If you could live forever with the ones you loved, would you be willing to download your consciousness? First off everything can’t be all good. If everything was all good we would not appreciate it. For us as humans to be happy we NEED to experience sadness. If we were not to experience sadness we would not be able to experience happiness. This is the reason everything can’t be all good because without the bad we can’t understand or experience good. If everyone is downloaded to perfection then everyone more or less would be the same. The identities of people could be lost. The personalities of people would be too similar. The goodness and badness that we except of people make people real. If someone was perfected they would not seem real and would not be believable.
What makes us human are the memories of our experiences. If we could download our software from our brain it would be you as long as we could keep our same memories. What if we could take away all the bad things such as fear or hatred this could be very positive, but we don’t know if it could be a negative. It could be if you remove the entire negative that you may not have a will to live or experience feelings of accomplishment. The cliché, “be careful what you wish for” may be true here. Without opposites then life appears not to be able to exist. In science, we have protons and electrons in order to have atoms. This can be compared to a baseball game. If you enjoy watching baseball then you would want all your players to get a hit, but your team needs to make outs in order for a game to exist. There needs to be a negative thing such as your team getting out in order to enjoy the game. In conclusion perfecting ones consciousness and downloading it may not allow life to be enjoyable or have feelings of satisfaction.

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