Saturday, February 23, 2008

Journal 6

After watching a portion of the movie, "Into Great Silence," it was interesting to see how people could still live in silence and did not have to depend mainly on technology. The monks in this french monestary were interesting in the fact that they didn't even have much verbal communication, unless it was in prayer or during the induction of the new members. The only forms of technology that were kept at the monestary were simple forms such as axes or saws. There was one computer in the office, probably used for paying bills, but other than those, a majority of the things were natural. Their light mainly came from the sun, not lamps or light bulbs.
After reading Picard's writing on the radio and how it has stolen silence from society, it was interesting to compare what he wrote to how the monks lived. Picard stated that, "There is no more silence, only intervals between radio noises." In the case of the monks, it was just the opposite, there was no noises, only intervals between silence. He also states that radioi noise is constantly penetrating everywhere, yet in the case of the monks, it was not. The movie itself was nice because of the inside look into a world of silence. It was peaceful to watch and see how others can live completely without information constantly bomarding them.

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