Sunday, February 24, 2008


Recently in class we discussed the kindle which is on sale from Amazon. The kindle is a wireless device which stores books, magazines, and other reading material. The kindle is suppose to be for reading what the Ipod is for music. I do not believe that the kindle will take off as a substitute for a book in everyday society. I feel this way because most people only carry one book at a time and read that book over the day or week. This is different from the Ipod in that people will listen to many songs a day. The kindle is supposed to be similar to that of a book, without the glare of a computer screen. However, unlike a book you can not really turn the page and get the textual feeling of the books, you can also not highlight, or skim the computer screen to look for an exact page. I imagine the kindle would be like a computer screen and you would have to scroll down or insert a specific page number. Another problem with the kindle is like the Ipod or other musical storage devices it can crash. If a kindle crashes you could loose all your books.
Some of the pros of the kindle is that it would come in handy is to allow students to carry a smaller amount of books. The kindle is also suppose to have a feature which allows the student to look up words like in a dictionary by clicking on ones you don’t understand. The kindle might also cut down on the amount of books produced and therefore save paper. However, I picture a scenario which involves game systems. Nintendo had a Nintendo 64 system and then they came out with the game cube. No more games were made for the 64 system and you had to buy the game cube to get new games (but the old 64 games would not work). You might have to buy different kindle systems in the future and loose your material if something breaks.
For the time being, I would definitely prefer a stack of books to the compact kindle.

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