Saturday, February 23, 2008

Journal 4

In the past chapters, Borgmann speaks of an "ancestral environment." This environment is actually the original or natural way of information. He gives the equation for information which is a person being informed by a sign with respect to a thing in a context. The thing is considered reality. All of these are components or parts of information. He also mentions how you must have coherence, order and vividness. This may mean that one must first recognize the signs, in which must be in an order or a context, and then that must have knowledge about the context and the sign in order to really experience it. Borgmann also points out the importance of context. If the context is not correct for a particular sign, then we may not be able to recognize it. If you see something that is usually visible in nature, it's natural setting, and you place it in an office setting, for example, it will be more difficult to recognize it because it is out of its context.

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