Friday, February 01, 2008

Journal 4

In this reading Borgmann the ancestoral enviorment, meaning the original setting of information. He also says that being connected to our enviorment gives us a sense of pleasure. In chapter three there was the comparrison of watching 24 hours of television and spending 24 hours in nature. According to Borgmann spending time in our enviorment and in nature will be much more fulfilling than watching television. I feel if you went out and did something amazing like climb a mountain or hike up a hard trail, that the sense of accomplishment would be a much greater feeling than watching television.
In class we watched the the film "Robot Stories". These two short films raised some veru interesting questions that we might have to answer in the future. One of the more important questions being, when can a machine be considered human. I think machine can be considered a person because of their ableness to adapt and evolve to our enviorment. Machines can't be considered human beings because of the differences in our biology. I think the "Robot Stories" film is accurate in depicting what will happen when artificial intelligence becomes a regular part in our society. I think people will treat robots as equipment for work and nothing more than that.

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