Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The kindle and the ipod

In class we have spoken a lot about the kindle. It sounds like an interesting concept however, I just do not believe this technology will ever be a huge thing. I know that it is almost impossible to get because it is sold out everywhere, which means it does have quite a popularity, but I think a lot of this is due to the hype that it is been getting not the actual product. In theory it is a great concept. Having all of your books at your finger tips sounds great, but is this really the same thing? I will admit that I have never seen a kindle. I have only heard about through our class discussions, but this just doesn't seem like that great of a thing to me. Having the texts of all these books is great, but can it really simulate an actual book. One misses turning the pages, and the indivuality of a book. I know I like to write and make notes in my books making each one very unique and special, I cannot see that the kindle can emulate this. Antoher downfall is all the books are just in normal font and they are all the same, one doesn't get the excitement of opening an old book. Some of the coolest books are the ones that are many years old. Nothing is like an 100 year old book. The kindle simply cannot provide this.
In advertisement the kindle is being compared to the ipod. I think this is more for selling than anything. I am an owner of an ipod and i love it. However I don't see the kindle as the same thing at all. Its one thing to have a music file, but a book file? I'm truly not even a huge fan of the ipod because of the lack of material substance. The only reason that I do like it is the convenience of having one. It is great for living away from home in the sense that I don't have to box up thousands of cds and bring them with me, I can just throw the ipod in my pocket and I'm good to go. Having an ipod with 10 thousands songs is nothing like having 3000 cds, just like having a kindle, is nothing like having a self full of books. In both the kindle one misses the substance of actually having the book or the cd. The only reason I could ever see owning the kindle is for the same reason I own an ipod, and that is convience. Even with this convience what would happen if say your kindle was stolen and you lose everything. This would be quite terrible. I actually left an ipod in a hotel room last year, and even though I called the hotel to inform merely an hour after I had checked out the ipod was gone, and so were thousands of songs with it. This is another experience that soured me to the ipod. I still also believe there is something to be said about having a large collection of cds and full book shelf. These things can never be replaced by the kindle and the ipod.

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