Thursday, April 01, 2010

From class I think that if there is like a ten percent chance for something to happen that we should try to avoid it. If the disaster that could happen is avoidable and we decide to get on the plan anyway, then we crash. I think that if there is even a slight chance that something will happen and we knew in advance that it was going to happen and also we new things we could do to avoid it then we should do those things.
It doesn't matter if global warming is caused by us or not. If it is and we know somethings to prevent it then we should do those things. I don't know if global warming is real and I don't think there is a way to be sure that it is, but we should do things to slow it down or prevent it even if we don't know if its real.
Some scientists say its real and others say its not real. They shouldn't be trying to prove their point because they can't. What they sould be doing is if they think its real then they should find ways to solve the problem. Either of them can put any numbers together, but they still can't put a convincing aruement together. All they can say is what might be. We need proof, but their is no way to prove what is causing it or what is going to happen in the future. We should still go things to prevent it.

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