Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog #7- Music is Becoming to "Loopy"

I challenge anyone to listen to a rap or hip-hop song and seriously consider if this is actually composed and genuine music, or if its rather just a continued pattern of sounds layered over one another. Some can argue that it is indeed music, but I don't see the talent in throwing a bunch of loops together to make something sound "cool" and call it music. "Loops" are sound samples that are recorded continuosly, and are usually electronic in nature; although some loops may indeed be recorded instruments (this could be called music), again, most is just electronic sampling.

A person has absolutely no talent if they create a song using loops. Such a song is unauthentic and obviously shows a lack in the author's creative abilities (a true composer would at least mix in composed melodies with loops). However, I do not mean to claim loops are worthless; many temp scores (musical cues) for film scores use loops to get an idea of what they want the scene to have musically. Thus, loops can serve as templates from which the compsoer can work upon.

To clarify, I do not mean to berate all rap and hip-hop music. Some is actually well composed, with the authors taking time to focus more on the message of the music (the lyrics) rather than the musical background itself. It just really irks me when people claim such music is "better" than classical music, or any other musical form that obviously takes talent to create.


Justin Ramsey said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Muscianship has taken a back seat in modern music. When one looks at the top 20 charts and sees people like Lil Wayne, Jay Z, and the likes its quite evident that the actual art of playing an instrument is gone. There was a time when the top 20 included men like Eric Clapton, Elton John, Billy Joel, Stevie RAy Vaughan, even the hair metal bands of the 80's all those groups/people could actually play their instruments. It is a sad travesty to witness music become the shell that it is today.

Pierce Oka said...

XKCD nails it on the head