Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Technology of Blood

As I was donating blood today, a thought crossed by my mind- Without this new found technology of blood donation, would it be possible to save another's life? Even the difference from three years ago, when I began to donate, through my experience a few hours ago, I have noticed some differences in the devices and techniques used by the nurses. Agreeing with some of the things mentioned in class about Brand, it is not about the possible devastation of the future and loss of the focal point (Borgmann's view) with the use of technology, but what opportunities we could have to use the technology for the benefits for others. About one hundred years ago, donating, preserving, and providing the blood would not have been safe or sanitary. It is our duty as partakers in the world to use our minds. We must do what we feel necessary with the technology we have been provided. I really like something that was said in discussion during class about man-made vrs. not- that is- if it is made and in existence, then it is man-made. Even if machines have produced it, it was from the human mind that we thought of the product and made devices that could make it. Although technology can be dangerous if misproperly used, it is what we make of it's use and opportunity that is important and vital to the future.

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