Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Robots Smarter Than Humans?

Today in class we discussed the possibility of robots ever being smarter than humans. I guess I would have to say it’s possible however under current conditions where humans are designing the robots it would never be possible. Humans could never create AI that is as smart as or smarter than us. A computer only knows what we program it to know. No matter how complex or intelligent of a robot we may create, there will always be someone who understands how it works and therefore we will be more intelligent than it. For robots to be more intelligent than us they would literally have to begin building and designing themselves, which at this point in time I don't see as a possibility.

Robots will always lack emotions because they will never be able to genuinely experience them. In order for a robot to actually have a soul I would have to say that they would be required to do things beyond the bounds of their programming and that’s just not a possibility. Even if someone where able to program a robot to have a sense of itself giving it at least some form of a soul, is it the same as truly having one? After all, the robot cannot freely reason beyond how it is programmed to.

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