Saturday, January 28, 2006

Where have all the wells gone?

According to Borgmann, a thing can be described as something that involves its users' participation. A device, on the other hand, in Borgmann's opinion, is supposed to disburden its users.
Although a spigot and a well ultimately produce the same results, Borgmann says a well creates the opportunity for a focal activity to occur. A well's users, in this sense, will feel more appreciation for the well's product. The spigot user, in contrast, will take for granted the water that is automatically and easily available. I understand Borgmann's distinction, however, at times, I feel he is too idealistic. I agree that with the advancement of technology, society has become more isolated, but I feel, for the most part, people do still long for the opportunity to connect with other people. I don’t think modern technology has to be completely eradicated for people to truly appreciate the context of the "good old days".

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