Thursday, January 26, 2006

Foreground of Technology

As discussed in class the foreground of technology is what we see and do and what we value. Technology is delivered by how we experience it. Technology is ideas about leisure and consumption. We takes these things for granted.
By using and relying on only technology it enables us to get the true meaning of something and we then begin to lose the real tradtion and context of that thing. By participating and engaging in cooking, hands on cleaning, sewing, knitting, and other things we then begin to understand and appreciate things and devices more.
Advertising persuades and influences others and myself in to buy something. It attracts us to that device and we then begin to lose the importance of it. Life is filled with commodities. Life should be filled with love, tradition, compassion, and hard-work. The more work and effort we put into something the less the commodity is used. We must being to understand the real meanings of devices so that family tradition is not reduced soley to machinery.

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