Sunday, January 22, 2006

Reaction to Film

When first veiwing this film I did not know what to expect. But as I was taking notes, my first thought was this movie was about how technology had affected people over time. However, according to the creator I was wrong. The actual message he was trying to get across was the fact that the environment is technology. Everything around us, including ourselves, exist within technology. People only see the surface of things and they do not look deeper for the main event.

Even though there were no narrator or actors in the movie, I felt that the music told the story. With each scene the music would depict if the technology shown was good or bad for the world. At the begining the music was slow and peaceful with the sites of natural environment. Towards the end of the movie when more machines, factors and cars were viewed, the music became gloomy as if there was doom to come. It made me realize that not all technology is good and one day it may take over and destroy the environment. Our society is moving at a much faster pace today, but is this a good thing? We let technology run our lives which causes us to be less useful. With people allowing technology to do everything for them we lose the meaning of life. Lossing the the meaning of life is what I believe the movie eventually gets to in the end, and this will happen if we decide not to change how we are evolving.

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