Sunday, September 11, 2011

Unnecessary A.I.

We watched a short clip in class about creating artificial intelligence and what we would be capable of doing with it. The idea of A.I. raises ethical questions and I believe that the creation of it is unnecessary. It is just our way to flaunt unnecessary technological advances. I feel we have no use for robots that can surpass humans and possibly take jobs away from people who need to feed their families. This technological advance I feel will cause more trouble and make our world even more complicated. Also, I feel it is unethical to spend the money and resources to create A.I. because that money could be used for other things that we actually need. The idea of A.I. goes into another topic we talked about and that is the freedom that technology gives us.
Mankind has become dependent upon technology, and therefore we have no freedom because of it. The use of A.I. will just become another technology that we do not need, but after we have it we will feel like it is necessary to live a happy life. In conclusion, the chase for A.I. is an unnecessary and almost unethical purpose that will disrupt our already chaotic technological dependent lives.

1 comment:

Bruce Johnson said...

The only good ethical use that I could possible see for A.I. is to send them over on the forefront for any war duties we may have, that way we can keep our actual human beings safe from the brutal outcomes of war. Even with this, it would only be a matter of time before another leader uses these war A.I. units to create a new power, possibly another Hitler.

I would have to agree that A.I. is a waste of money and would become another technology that we do not need. A.I. taking over a human's job would make so many people become jobless, making the rich richer and the poor poorer.