Thursday, September 01, 2011

Advancing Technology

Since the beginning of time, the search for new technology has been vital. Humans have had a craving for new and better technology. For example the invention of the wheel made life easier. Technology led to a higher standard of living and thus with technology expanding exponentially, possibilities also expand. Technology leads to dominance. It is a symbol of power and that is why advancing technology goes unquestioned and unrestricted. A perfect example of this would be the race to space between The United States and The Soviet Union.

My point is this. Even if advancing technology restricts the human condition, we can not afford to stop it. If a country falls behind in technology, it will become subject to those countries that have the newer and more complex technology. Technology cannot be stopped. This ties into the idea that Jaques Ellul presents that the only way to avoid the fate of technology is 1. God saves 2. people overthrow 3. Nuclear war destroys the world.

Until Next Week,

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