Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Technology In Schools

Technology in schools is becoming very important in our world today, giving our children a better learning experience and the capability to obtain new material everyday. Technology can be both good and bad in this sense. I think that technology is great for our youth when used in the right way. Using technology to obtain information and use it for your overall knowledge is great but as these kids get older, the start to lose sight of technologies purpose. When they lose sight of the purpose, thats when they start to take advantage of it and do things they are not supposed to be doing.

These kids today use their cell phones way more often then they do using technology for good. I think that they are very dependent on these phones. Texting is becoming very popular in today's youth and is also becoming a distraction in school. These kids are spending more time texting others and less time paying attention in class. This is becoming an ongoing problem with teachers and faculty members of the school. Not to mention that the kids use the texting language. This abbreviates all of the words to make them shorter. This is messing with their grammar, these children know more about the texting language than they do with the English language, which I think is a big deal. Technology is good for the classroom when used the right way. If we can regulate what the children do with the technology, I think that they can get back to using the technology what its meant to be used for.


emilys7 said...

I definitely agree. When I see kids as young as 11 and 12 with phones and they are texting up a storm, it concerns me. Their brains are still developing so your exactly right when saying that using texting language their grammar will be terrible and will stay that way all their lives. Parents should take caution and give certain technologies to their kids at the right age.

Dave Reed said...

you speak as if you arent a kid yourself. didn't we do the exact thing when we were their age?

Tony Phillips said...

Yes, you are right, I was a kid, but cell phones werent nearly as big when I was growing up. Plus, I didnt get a cell phone until I was a Freshmen in Highschool. Technology came late for me. Also, texting was that big either until a few years later. Looking back at it, yes technology did have some effect on me, but its no comparison to children today.