Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hiding Behind a Screen Name

Perhaps the biggest technological innovation in our world, the internet is doing way more than its original creators intended. The creators didn't know they were creating a sort of other world. in this world people can say whatever they want about whoever they want and suffer no consequences for it or ever have to own up for what they said. Thankfully, the blog we use is an educational blog so people don't usually say mean things. On other blog sites though, or IM sites or even social network sites, people hide behind a fake name or generic page to bully, ridicule, or harrass others. I think this is foolish, cowardly, and immature. In our world, our REAL world at least, people should have to defend what they say and if they hurt others, the "victims" for lack of a better word should know who's bad mouthing them and be able to stand up for them. I myself think it's pointless to argue or especially ridicule a screen name, but lately people that do this have really grinded my gears. Especially on Facebook, the new trend seems to be for people to start fake pages and harass other people they know by posting pictures and awful personal information about people they don't like. This to me is ridiculous and I believe these people are commiting crimes of harrassment and should be punished for their actions. In no world should such hurtful things be said about people and the person who said them not be identified. That's what a coward does.

1 comment:

Tim Taylor said...

Technology gives individuals autonomy and a lack of responsibility for their actions. It does not necessarily change the nature of humanity in this way, it just allows people to express a darker portion of humanity.