Saturday, September 17, 2011

Aristotle's Principle

We learned in class more about Aristotle's Principle and a supportive theory on cognitive capacity. Basically, a cognitive capacity states that human brains can only handle and process so much information at once, and when we are stressed is because we have gone into information overload. I believe we strive to conquer complex situations because we enjoy the feeling of success that follows a triumphant victory over our problems. Humans, whether we like it or not, pursue complex tasks that require us to think and solve problems. However, in today's society we have become lazy and complacent, and we expect the technology to solve all our problems. Rarely does someone tackle a task without the use of excessive technology.
Along with Aristotle's Principle, we learned about Dreyfus' argument over a flat culture. This idea illustrates the uniformity of today's culture, and how boring our similarities have become. The population lives in subdivisions that consist of "cookie cutter" houses where they are so similar in stricture and design that is is hard to tell them apart. Also, almost all of our towns are set up in similar fashions where there are a vast majority of fast food restaurants and then a large supermarket. Society has become complacement with letting technology consumer our lives, and we have lost our originality as a culture because we are so concerned with keeping up with the latest trends.

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