Friday, September 16, 2011

A.I. used in medicine

I recently heard on the radio that IBM was planning on using their super computer (Watson) in medicine. They said watson could be a valuable tool for diagnosing patients. Is it possible that one day A.I. could actually replace human physicians? I am not against the idea of using A.I. as an aid, however i do not feel the same way about using A.I. to completely replace the human physician. I do no think that A.I. would ever be able to think and act, as a human does, in the medical field. There is also a certain doctor patient relationship that they would simply not be able to replace. I hope i am not getting diagnosed by a robot anytime soon.

1 comment:

yostc said...

I agree. I like that my doctor is a family friend so he can relate to my problems and I feel comfortable around him. A robot could not relate to human emotions and pain, therefore it would not be helpful. Also, I do not like the idea that A.I. could replace human jobs that are needed to feed their families.