Friday, November 04, 2011

Our Conscience Forever Saved

The idea that the movie "Clay" gave of our conscience being saved forever and technologically we would never die was somewhat unsettling to me. As a firm believer of God and eternal life I would not want my conscience to be saved. If our consciences' were save, we would never truly be able to be with God in heaven like he intends for all of us to be. Who knows what would really happen to our souls. Even though our talents would be saved and our legacy would live forever I still believe its not a good thing. Even without having our conscience saved, our legacy would still live forever through our loved ones. They would never forget us. When we die, loved ones will miss us and if our conscience is saved, they can always see us. However it will never be fully us. There would be no room to grieve and look forward to seeing and reuniting with them again in heaven.
I completely agree with the sculpturist's decision to not have his conscience be save and to just let himself die. I would do the same. I would want to be with God eternally and not have my conscience be saved. What is everyone else's opinion?


Dave Reed said...

really i doubt that god would reject anyone for having what is essentially a hologram of ourselves on earth when were dead. its NOT ACTUALLY YOUR SOUL, its a recording of your memories and personality that is SIMULATED by MACHINES.

Tim Taylor said...

I generally agree with Mr. Reed. The machine is not the person, they are simply a book of the persons experience that has the ability to exist after the person dies.