Friday, November 18, 2011

The NEW "Facebook"?

This semester we have talked quite a lot about social networking sites, mainly Facebook. I will admit, I have a Facebook addiction. I have phantom cell phone alerts (vibrations) in my pocket or purse randomly. I go to check my phone, only to see that there really wasn't an alert at all... it's rather sad, really. But none-the-less it's something I do enjoy and I do feel that Facebook allows me to stay connected with friends and family around the world that I otherwise wouldn't be able to connect with. For example, I have friends in Thailand and Japan that I enjoy seeing picture updates from and also conversing with regularly. Ten years ago these things wouldn't have been as possible.

However, in the latest news I must announce one of my newest addictions. It is a social networking website called "Pinterest". Pinterest is a virtual bulletin/cork board that allows its users to list their favorite items, recipes, beauty tips, wedding ideas, home decor ideas, do-yourself projects, etc. You have to get on a waiting list before you can join, but the whole process takes about two days. I have been a member for less than a week, but I already have over 100 "pins" and 11 "boards". I predict this site will be the next big thing. In my network of friends has already exploded rapidly and I hear people telling me how they are on "the list" to get a Pinterest account.

The site itself is free. And it has literally 1,000's of ideas and anyone can enjoy it. It takes a little getting use to, but when you do... be prepared to lose all track of time and become a "pinning" machine.


Tim Taylor said...

This is interesting, and things like this could catch fire just like Twitter. But, what's the additional benefit between this and a message board? Whats the overall improvement?

JessicaE said...

It is much more personal than Twitter and it allows you to share with a MASS amount of people all at once. When you pin something, your "followers" can see it, but so can other people who are not following you--on Pinterest's main screen. As people pin, their pins are shared and more people pin what they are sharing and it turns into kind of a domino effect. It's pretty interesting. You are given the option to sign in using your Facebook account also so it will show your profile picture and when other friends create a Pinterest, it gives you the option to follow them. Also, as far as it being more personal, you can provide far more text than twitter and your profile is much better laid out. For example, one of my 11 boards I have created right now is "Things That Make Me Happy." In it, I have pinned pictures of owls (I love them), things I find inspirational, pictures of places that I love, etc. Another thing to consider about Pinterest is as you browse the web, you can pin things you find interesting that you want to share. Just yesterday I was on and found some really neat items that I pinned in my "Want" board.

Does that make more sense? :)