Thursday, November 03, 2011

Extraterrestrials and Us

So I was thinking tonight while trying to find a topic to write on here about. If we ever encountered an alien race that had the answers to every question man has had concerning science and technology?
To start off, think about how science and technology has challenged so many primitive ideas man has had about the world we live in, or even the great scientific challenging of the Church. Copernicus, Gallileo, Newton, Bacon, Descartes are all men who started the scientific revolution, which led to theories that went against the Church's teachings.
Now, if this alien race came, told us that we were created in a lab and were some kind of long-term experiment, or something else like that, do you think that the majority of the human race would give up on so many of these things that have been so solid in our lives? Or do you think otherwise since these things were such a large part of our lives that'd it would be impossible to just give up and move on to what is essentially the truth?
This is something that may be reality within the next few hundred years, so as a civilization, we need to be prepared with the consequences.
Now think of this the other way. If we were to find some alien humanoid race, would we interract with them? What if they were still in the 'caveman' state? If we interracted with a young race, there might be some consequences with its development, just as interraction with a fetus may have consequences on the child before it is born. Opinions?

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