Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Robots and Rights

I also agree that robots should be given some form of rights but only if they are cabable of being able to experience the same things humans can. Such as feelings of sadness, anger, happiness all the emotions. I also believe that they only should be given rights if they are cabable of making their own decisions instead of just taking orders. Because just like any human being, if you do something wrong you suffer the consequences and if you do something great you reap the rewards. Same goes for a robot if they are capable of making their own decisions. they should be treated as humans if people are portraying them as humans and giving them human qualities. But i actually hope this never happens because it would take away from the actual form of a human being and take away from the whole truth of God creating us. Being human would have no siginificance if robots could be creating on the dot with thoiughts, feelings, and actions.


John said...

That is a great point that you make about being able to create robots on the dot. What importance would humans be if one could create a robot that really can be considered to be perfect because one could create them to fit their likings. There is also going to be a list of problems that will come with this invention, not just the issue of rights for the robots. Will they be able to have their own houses, or families? How far will they be allowed to go before something terible happens?

ziggraut 73 said...

In the future if we have robots, there no way you can give them rights. The way I see robot in the future is being made of metal, gears, and computer chips... They do not have any parts that make then living. They should have the same respect as that of a fancy computer... what rights would a robot want??? The right to vote, the rights to a fair trail, the right to buy property. Why would a robot want those things? Robots would just simply be made to serve there human owner... so what ever the owner want the robot to do the robot would exercise the right to serve their owner better

All machine have a propose. Whether it’s a fancy computer or a vacuum cleaner...
Think about what a robot possible would want for it self...
It doesn’t have the same scenes’ as we do. Without a purpose a robot is nothing.