Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kids with Cell Phones

Turkles chapter 9 about growing up tethered really hit home with me. I work at an after school program for kids from Kindergarten to sixth grade. The kids as early as third grade have cell phones and they are constantly on them. We have to remind them daily to put their phones away. Children should be living in the moment  and the now at the playground or gym; instead I am seeing them sitting on the bench playing with their phone. Turkle continues talking about how its affecting adolescent development and I can't help but think about how these kids who experience technology younger and younger will be affected.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree! I see the same type of thing at my job. We had an overnight and they freaked out because the wifi was not turned on. The kids now a days donor know life without phones. I didn't get my first phone until I started driving in high school. It's crazy how little kids as young as 2 know how to work different types of technology.