Tuesday, March 12, 2013


According to Heideggar the greatest danger is that we lose human beings into resources. He saw the danger of technology in terms of the human domination and exploitation of all beings by instrumental means. The essence of technology is not technological to Heideggar, but yet more of a way of being. To some degree I can follow these beliefs. In the world we live in today it is like we can not let anyone or anything just be itself. We are constantly putting constraints on people and coming up with new ideas or gadgets trying to improve what already is which can cause stress and controversy. If we would sometimes just let things stand as is then we might find more comfort in our own lives.


Unknown said...

I wrote a blog similar to this one. When you say that we are trying to improve what already is good, this brings up the idea that is technology ever going to be enough? They are constantly coming up with new things and new versions of the same thing. Will it ever be enough?

Unknown said...

I don't think it will ever be enough, because as humans, we are always trying to progress in some way. I think that we will always seek progress outside of ourselves because as humans we will always be flawed--we will keep making mistakes even while we strive to do the best that we can.