Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Are we ever satisfied? When is enough, enough?

We have discussed the term "progress" in class, but will progress really ever stop. As humans, we alwasy want the best and we are always going to want the best. As a creator, why would you not want to keep supplying what people are going to pay for. There is always going to be progress if society allows it. If you keep paying for better, they are going to continue to create better. Progress will never end in the technology world. People are always thinking how can we make this product or machine better? How can we improve this so that it is easier for humans to understand? Look how fast computers turned into laptops and laptops turned into tablets and I pads. What's next? We don't know, technologies will be overseen in 6 months after it is considered new because they will create a new and improved. If this continues, I believe that the idea of a companion robot is creeping up a little faster than we think.

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