Friday, March 24, 2006

I am cyborg...Hear me roar!!!

After reading Donna Haraway I feel very confused. I am not sure where some of her thoughts come from, but I must say that her thoughts are very interesting. Borgmann was very clear cut in his ideas; whereas, Haraway is more difficult to read and understand. The main point that Haraway is trying to get across is that every human being on this earth is also a cyborg. I agree with many of the other posts in that at first glance of this concept, I totally disagreed. I know that the true definition of a cyborg or "man machine" is an individual who has some sort of machine part on them, such as my fiance and his insulin pump, which he relies on in order to survive. After opening my mind a bit; however, Haraway is correct in saying that we are all cyborgs. Technology was once thought of as a luxury or something nice to have around. Then technology became somewhat necessary for most people and seems to be indespensable. We have come to totally rely on technology and use it for just about everything such as: work, transportation, communication, pleasure, cooking, and even survival. It is kind of frightening to think about how much our lives depend on technology. For example, people thought that the world would end when the year 2000 arrived mainly because they thought all computers would shut down. It is strange to think that there was once a time when nothing was done on a computer. In fact, I am being a cyborg right now because I am using a computer to type this!!

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