Thursday, September 08, 2011

Kurzweil and I, Robot

In class the other day we addressed a man by the name of Ray Kurzweil. Kurzweil is considered one of the world's leading inventors and is the go to guy when it comes to developing Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is defined by as follows;
1: a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers
2 : the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior.
The basic premise form what I understand is that Kurzweil is trying invent a computer/machine that can think, learn, and react just like humans do. Upon doing so this new technology will become widely available in every day life in many different objects. The AI will then become tools in our everyday life and expand our human potential as a race. This is my best and most simple understanding of AI.
As I sat in class as we watched the video about Kurzweil and AI, I was taken back to the booming year of 2004. As I watched the video I could not help but think that this is the real life version of I, Robot! Now for those that do not know, I, Robot is a movie about AI...
Above I have posted a link to the movie trailer on YouTube.

I will have to say that I agree with Will Smith's character in that AI seems to good to be true. Now I am not saying that AI does not have a place in this world, but I surly have no idea what that place it. I also am not saying that if AI ever becomes part of this world than I, Robot will happen for real. My basic point is that if as a society we are every going to utilize AI then we need to proceed with caution. This field has massive potential to do both good and or bad. It is our duty as citizens of the world to approach this new technology in a responsible manner and not let I, Robot happen, if its even possible. So moving forward I neither agree or disagree with Kurzweil and AI. This citizen claims ignorance till a later date...

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