Thursday, September 08, 2011

Computers In Our Lifetime

It's incredible to think about how far computers have come in our generations short time here on earth. When we were born in the early 90s, if you wanted to use a computer, you had to go to the library or to a rich friends house. the internet was primarily used by the government and large businesses. No one had ever heard of facebook, myspace, or even instant messaging. Games were being played on Sega Genesis and no one ever imagined being able to play those games on a computer. But just as we grew up, so did the computer. Desktops became more popular and then you had to have a computer you could put on your lap. No longer was the internet used by only the government. Average peoplie could use it to get ahold of their friends far away. Kids could use it to play endless amounts of games on it. It's hard to think of what a computer used to be when you see what they are today. The designers at Microsoft or Apple had no idea their machines would become this complex, but because they have, those people have become some of the richest people in the world. It scares me to think about what computers will become as we get older. Things we see as science fiction will eventually become reality. Computers will run on our brain patterns so we won't need a mouse or keyboard. Who knows, maybe we will eventually live through computers.

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