Thursday, September 15, 2011

Albert Cy-Borgmann

The main point in Albert Borgmann's work is focal things and practices. A focal thing is something of ultimate concern and it must be conserved by a connection with practice. Borgmann once said "If we are to challenge the rule of technology, we can only do so through the practice of engagement." What he is saying is that if we dont want to live in a technologically ruled world, we must continue to practice the things that don't involve technology. This could include anything from running outside instead of going to a gym where one can watch their favorite talk show while working out, or a sporting event in general. Today many people are content with sitting at home watching their favorite baseball team play. Todays society relies on technology for things that in years past required no technology. The game of baseball has been played since 1845, and has only been showed on television since 1951. This just shows you that people were enjoying their favorite team and feeling the atmosphere of a major league game without looking into a box that shows pictures and makes sounds.

People need to realize that if we continue the way we are, there will no longer be focal things or practices in the world. Society needs to stop being so lazy and start doing things for themselves again. The only way that these focal things can be preserved is to practice them. And you know what they say, "Practice makes perfect"...

Hasta La Vista,


1 comment:

Jerome Langguth said...

You definitely claim the award for clever blog post titles. I had not thought of that one.