Monday, April 09, 2007

Who is the better person?

Galley Slave turned out to be better than what I initially thought when I started reading this. I liked the idea that you could tell the robot to keep it's mouth shut even when you had done something illegal. Can you imagine? You have this enormous machine with considerable strength that you could make it do all kinds of illegal things and then make it lie for you too. Criminals would be buying this thing left and right. And then best of all, the manufacturer can't even find out the truth because the machine refuses to talk to them too. My computer does this to me today. I tell it to do something and it does it slower than I want it to do, or it just doesn't do it the right way. Of course, I am the one who decides whether it is right or wrong. Of course, we find out in the end of the story that the professor is lying and the robot, being the morally superior being, comes to the rescue of the professor on the stand. Every time I start feeling that the human race is falling behind and the robots have our best interest in hand, I pull out the old Terminator I movie and watch that bad old robot trying to kill the good humans. It makes me feel good that we're still better than the robots. Of course, having a fire inside your TV set is kind of cool too. I may have to try that some day.

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