Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Blog 9- would you like to be a Cyborg?

This essay by Issac Asimov was particularly interesting to me. To me it seems that Asimov was coming back to the question as to what makes a human a human. I don't know why, but the idea of cyborgs seem really cool to me, that is, a cyborg which has a robotic body which encases a human brain. It has been my experience in my life, that the body tends to wear out or get diseased while, the brain is functioning fine. Why not offer these people who no longer have a use for their bodies a second chance on life? Of course science and technology haven't figured out a way to do this yet. The problem I would guess is how do you fuse something biological with something technological. The body would run on electricity and so would the brain, but the brain also needs oxygen and food and so needs blood, which would likely be a hard obstacle to overcome. But say we found a way to do it. Imagine you are 25 and cancer is spreading through your body, the doctors tell you nothing can be done, the cancer is too strong. They tell you you have about a month before it gets to your brain and kills you. Wouldn't you consider letting them do an operation which saves your brain and gives you a new body? I know I would. Think about it, you're only 25, you still have another 70 years use on your brain. And another plus you are freed from the confines of a human body for the most part. The only restriction is you still have to sleep since you still have a human brain. And another plus the new body you will inherit for the most part looks very much human and can be custom made so to mimic a perfect you. Oh you would never age! The average person would never know the difference! Maybe they could keep the brain transplant procedure confidential and you could just tell your family and friends you were cured... if you wanted to look like you were aging you could just go in for some maintenance and have them work a few wrinkles in and maybe put a few gray hair in. You would be the envy of your family, never getting sick. You could go strong till the day your brain surrendered...
Some people might argue that by doing this, you have lost a piece of your humanity by never getting sick or dieing when you were supposed to. What if they had been able to give Mozart a new body when he was dieing at such a young age? think of all the more additions to classical music he could have made!
I think such a technological advance would enrich humanity, not hurt it...
after all, I think most people would agree, is that your brain more than any part of your body, is the part that is human, more than anything else.

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