Friday, December 02, 2011


i have said what i thought about the memory scans, but it occured to me that maybe i was a little insensitive to some people's beliefs when i described it. i admit i truly don't understand why people are afraid of this technology and i really don't know why it will cause eternal damnation. maybe i am completely ignorant about why some people are afraid of it. so for those who disagree with me, please educate me. why do you think that the memory scans will cast you into hell?


Tim Taylor said...

I have to agree with you. Technology is the creation of man, through an intellect given by God. Therefore, the products and labors of our creations cannot be strictly damning, the use and application of technology in a societal context determine the virtue of our exploits. Therefor, a brain scan, especially in the manner to escape an early death, does not force an individual into hell, it supports the creation God made for us.

Evan Harris said...

It's not that fact that it will cast you into hell, but that you will be immortalized (or at least this part of your mind will) when it is the distinct intention of God to not have men immortal. IF this happened, do you think that a current president will consult with the outlooks of other former presidents on making a decision? or will he just say fuck that I'm going to do this my way?