Saturday, December 17, 2011

Our brains are outboards

Carr argues that memorization by the human brain has become obsolete. Since the internet allows society to access anything and everything at a given instant, we only need to memorize the location of the web page containing our pertinent information. Also, the idea that taking the time to memorize vast amounts of data is inefficient and not productive. Our brains have become outboards that just outsource our memory to the internet. These internet search engines provide a limitless aspect that our memories never had before. Carr’s concern is that we will become too dependent upon this outsource of memory to where it will become a necessity and not an aid for memory. Our brains are now similar to a hard drive of a computer. The brain is merely a hard drive to store data, and will soon become solely data storage and we will lose our ability to decipher and understand the data that we are memorizing.

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